Teaching You About Proper Concealed Carry Practices and The Legal Use of Force

Personal Training/Range/Laser Instruction

There is no better way to learn than to have one on one instruction in handling a personal protection weapon from an experienced individual. The instructor will assist you in assessing your need and choosing the right weapon and accessories for your needs. We can also assist in acquiring that weapon. Training in safely carrying, maintaining and handling the firearm will be taught to you in personal sessions at the range. We will also assist in the process of becoming licensed and mastering your marksmanship skills through supervised training and range practice. Students are required to become a member at a local range and to practice and train regularly. You may train with an instructor alone, with your spouse, or with a friend. Discounts available for married couples or training with a friend. Contact us for availability and pricing. Training sessions scheduled according to the personal schedules of the trainer, the student and also range availability.

Certified by and Affiliated with United States Concealed Carry Association.

Active Shooter Security Staff Training; Churches, Personal Security, Organizations, Companies

Churches, organizations, companies of all types are arming and training security staff to protect the people from those who may enter with the intent to harm. This has become increasingly a problem especially in churches and places of employment. While the most dangerous places are gun free zones (nearly 90% of all casualties since Columbine), places of worship and places of employment have also been targets. Most concealed carry security have not been trained in the proper use of deadly force and may face criminal prosecution even if they act in self defense. This was evident to our trainers in the event in April 2016 which occurred in a church in Pennsylvania where a concealed carry security person acted in self defense but was indicted for manslaughter because he did not act in accordance with the guidelines for the proper use of force and accelerated a situation. It is a fact...that many "security personnel" do not know these guidelines and are not proficient with the weapon they carry. Many have been found to also carry ammunition which will put others in jeopardy as well. If a weapon is to be used as a last resort, it must be used with judicious marksmanship! We will work with your organization to raise the level of security through proper education and training. We will also provide on site consultation as well. Depending on the scope of the training, training packages are tailored to your specific needs. Please contact our Chief Firearms Instructor for a proposal. Packages range from individual or team educational and proficiency training to onsite training to handle and "active shooter" or violent person situation.

Call now or email to set up a Free consultation on how you can defend your place of Worship, Workplace or Organization from the threat of an Active Shooter.


Private Classes

Note: Special Group Rates are available for over three people.
Cost of class: Hourly rates::

$40/hour for 1 Person
$75 for a two-hour session (recommended)
$35/hour per person for 2 People
$30/hour per person for 3 people

Concealed Carry & Home Defense: Instructor Supervised Independent Study with 4 range sessions: $225.00

All Instructors Certified with USCCA

Summary: This course is taught on a private or semi-private basis. It covers, from basic firearms safety nomenclature, range time live-fire (revolver or semi-automatic) and basic shooting skills. Ammunition is not included but is available at an extra cost. This course is typically selected by the student who has obtained a firearm but is either unfamiliar with it, or wants accelerated instruction, and needs tailored instruction. Rental firearms are available at additional cost; rental policies will apply.